There's an Alien Inside Me
It’s the only logical explanation I can come up with (if you consider alien body-snatching logical). I am just not the same person I was a short time ago. I’m not exactly sure when this alien took over my body – some time in the past few months. I’m exhibiting very odd behavior for me.
I am constantly exploring new interests and challenges, and I no longer approach them with the “Oh, that would be fun but I can’t do it” line. Instead, it’s “That’s cool, I’m doin’ it!” I no longer sit around bored with nothing to fill my hours; suddenly there is not enough time in a week, a day, an hour to do all the new things I want to do.
I am consciously (and even sub-consciously) being a, kinder, gentler, more sympathetic, less judgmental person. I say that I am “trying to be a better person” but there’s not a lot of “trying” to it. I am choosing to see the good in people and have patience and compassion for the bad.
I am no longer approaching relationships (friends, lovers, co-workers, etc) with that insecurity-of-self that always made me feel like I needed to please them -- “If I act like they want me to, they’ll like me.” (Which, by the way, never works in the long run anyway – hence my long chain of failed intimate relationships). Of course, I still hope to be liked in my relationships, but not at the cost of compromising who I am. I now actually let myself have moods in public – it’s sort of liberating.
So you explain it? Where did this self-confident, grab-the-world-by-the-tail attitude come from? It couldn’t have come from me! I’ve never possessed an ounce of it. So, back to my original hypothesis – there’s an alien living in me. But for the first time in my life I can look myself in the eye (with the help of a mirror of course) and say “I like me!” So, I’m hopin’ she’s comfy in here and she’s planning on staying – I don’t really know how these alien invasions work.
I am constantly exploring new interests and challenges, and I no longer approach them with the “Oh, that would be fun but I can’t do it” line. Instead, it’s “That’s cool, I’m doin’ it!” I no longer sit around bored with nothing to fill my hours; suddenly there is not enough time in a week, a day, an hour to do all the new things I want to do.
I am consciously (and even sub-consciously) being a, kinder, gentler, more sympathetic, less judgmental person. I say that I am “trying to be a better person” but there’s not a lot of “trying” to it. I am choosing to see the good in people and have patience and compassion for the bad.
I am no longer approaching relationships (friends, lovers, co-workers, etc) with that insecurity-of-self that always made me feel like I needed to please them -- “If I act like they want me to, they’ll like me.” (Which, by the way, never works in the long run anyway – hence my long chain of failed intimate relationships). Of course, I still hope to be liked in my relationships, but not at the cost of compromising who I am. I now actually let myself have moods in public – it’s sort of liberating.
So you explain it? Where did this self-confident, grab-the-world-by-the-tail attitude come from? It couldn’t have come from me! I’ve never possessed an ounce of it. So, back to my original hypothesis – there’s an alien living in me. But for the first time in my life I can look myself in the eye (with the help of a mirror of course) and say “I like me!” So, I’m hopin’ she’s comfy in here and she’s planning on staying – I don’t really know how these alien invasions work.