We Are a Better Nation
We are a better nation for having elected Barak Obama. Even if he is unable to achieve any of the change that he proposes, we are a better people for having hope in a better future – believing that democracy can work; believing that we need to “do good” in the world; and believing that it is time to put our difference behind us and work together to heal this nation.
This time, there can be no argument that this was not the true majority of the American people. This was democracy at work as our forefathers intended it to be. Perhaps never, has a presidential candidate succeeded in engaging such a broad populous in the election process. People in our country have been jaded and cynical for years – either because they didn’t believe that their vote really mattered, or they didn’t think it made much difference which politician won. But this year was different. This year people took the time and went to the trouble to cast their vote; daring to believe that this time it would make a difference. For years to come, people will remember that when they unite, their voice is loud and it takes each and every one of those voices to create the roar. “. . . of the people, by the people, for the people” – today we can trust in that again.
This time the entire world rejoiced with us -- for us -- and for themselves. The American people have elected a leader who is deeply concerned with our country’s impact on other nations – someone who understands the difference between our rights and our responsibilities in foreign lands; and someone who values human rights across all boundaries.
This time we close the book on what has come to be known as the ugliest chapter in our nations history. We move on, passed the hatred and the prejudice. We learn to heal; we learn to trust; we begin to work on unifying instead of dividing.
This time there’s no sugar coating: The road will be long and it will be hard, it will require work and sacrifice from all of us. Our forefathers didn’t start this nation because they wanted “the easy life” – what they fought and died for was fairness and justice for all people – today we open a new chapter in history. Let no one stand in the way of our collective potential greatness.
This time, there can be no argument that this was not the true majority of the American people. This was democracy at work as our forefathers intended it to be. Perhaps never, has a presidential candidate succeeded in engaging such a broad populous in the election process. People in our country have been jaded and cynical for years – either because they didn’t believe that their vote really mattered, or they didn’t think it made much difference which politician won. But this year was different. This year people took the time and went to the trouble to cast their vote; daring to believe that this time it would make a difference. For years to come, people will remember that when they unite, their voice is loud and it takes each and every one of those voices to create the roar. “. . . of the people, by the people, for the people” – today we can trust in that again.
This time the entire world rejoiced with us -- for us -- and for themselves. The American people have elected a leader who is deeply concerned with our country’s impact on other nations – someone who understands the difference between our rights and our responsibilities in foreign lands; and someone who values human rights across all boundaries.
This time we close the book on what has come to be known as the ugliest chapter in our nations history. We move on, passed the hatred and the prejudice. We learn to heal; we learn to trust; we begin to work on unifying instead of dividing.
This time there’s no sugar coating: The road will be long and it will be hard, it will require work and sacrifice from all of us. Our forefathers didn’t start this nation because they wanted “the easy life” – what they fought and died for was fairness and justice for all people – today we open a new chapter in history. Let no one stand in the way of our collective potential greatness.